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    A tech-aficionado whose superpower lies in blabbering interminably about new technologies. After 4+ years and 4500+ content pieces that helped diverse companies grow, I followed my passion and made iGeeks Media my home. When not gushing over technology, you will find me immersed in a fictional world, either reading or creating one.

    App Store’s updated policy: Everything you need to know

    Apple's caged ecosystem, especially App Store, has irked app developers and users for a long time. While some count it as the company's strength, many perceive it as a...

    iPad mini 6 (2021) vs. iPad mini 5 (2019): What has changed?

    At the California Streaming event, Apple surprised everyone by announcing a new iPad Mini 6. Apple has successfully placed the iPad mini 6 on its pedestal of "modern iPads"...

    4 Great ways to make money with your smartphone

    Technology has changed the way people earn. Today, you can make money using your phone without having to set foot outside your home. The Covid-19 pandemic further accelerated digitization,...

    Understanding the best ways to pay for an iPhone

    We all want the latest technology, but with the high price tag on the iPhone, paying for it may be a challenge. The good news for iPhone users who...

    4 Ways to use your smartphone to grow your small business

    According to research, U.S. adults spend 2 hours and 55 minutes every day on their smartphones. And before buying something new, most of them look for reviews using their...

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