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    A tech-aficionado whose superpower lies in blabbering interminably about new technologies. After 4+ years and 4500+ content pieces that helped diverse companies grow, I followed my passion and made iGeeks Media my home. When not gushing over technology, you will find me immersed in a fictional world, either reading or creating one.

    Best iPhone XR slim cases in 2024

    Want a cool case to protect your iPhone XR without adding bulk? Thin cases are the way to go. They remove the bulkiness, but on the other side, they...

    Best iPad Air cases in 2024

    The 5th generation iPad Air packs an impressive blend of performance and style. Powered by the advanced M1 chip, it unleashes many creative possibilities. But before you begin exploring...

    Best belt clip cases for iPhone 11 in 2024

    When you’re always on the go, it’s nice to have a hands-free way to carry your phone. That’s why we’ve found the best iPhone 11 belt clip cases to...

    Best clear cases for iPhone 8 in 2024

    Clear cases have a certain charm; they are great for showing off and self-appreciating your iPhone. And if you feel like adorning one, here are some of the best...

    How to change or reset Instagram password on iPhone

    Being a popular photo-sharing platform, Instagram stores plenty of personal data. For instance, my account has photos from 2013 – my college days! Hence, it is crucial to keep...

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