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Yash Anand

I'm a die-hard Apple Fanboy who's keen and enthusiastic to learn and explore new things in the world of technology. Besides that, I’m currently an engineering student in the field of Electronics and telecommunications, thus love playing with electronic hardware. When not exploring the world of technology, I love learning about the universe/cosmos, time travel, different paradoxes, and so on.

How to update Safari on Mac

The default browser for macOS, Safari is one of the most popular choices for its privacy. It has improved a lot over the years, including features like reading mode,...

Best iPhone stylus to draw and color your heart out in 2024

While we're already born with the pointing devices for interacting with the touch screen, many still sometimes prefer a stylus for some precise actions or drawing or note-taking. Although...

How to transfer photos from camera to iPhone

Although many smartphones feature incredible cameras today, they can never fully replace digital cameras. Undoubtedly, many still rely on the latter for photography. However, it is a hassle to...

How to send audio messages with Siri from iPhone

Siri has gained a lot of advancements and improvements over time. For instance, it transcribes your messages like a perfect assistant. However, there are times when Siri mishears you,...

AirPods flashing orange? How to fix it

AirPods are an essential device for many Apple device users, especially after the WFH culture gained popularity. However, many a time, people report that AirPods won't stop flashing amber....

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