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How to hide likes on Facebook (2024 Guide)

If you’ve been on Facebook for a while now, you can surely agree that the likes and reactions underneath every post or photo carry power. On your own posts, getting flooded with likes can make you feel good, while not having enough can make you sulk. It can even tempt you to check on others’ posts and compare yours with theirs.

Because of this, it’s commonplace for startup brands to hide their like count on Facebook. This simple act can help prevent people from feeling put off by the small engagement and encourage them to focus more on their content rather than their engagement volume. For whatever purpose, you can hide likes on Facebook from your iPhone and desktop.

How to hide likes on Facebook from iPhone

  1. Launch the Facebook app on your iPhone → Tap your profile picture (labeled with Menu) in the bottom right.
  2. Tap Settings & Privacy → Choose Settings.
  3. Under Preferences, tap Reaction Preferences.

    Turn off likes on FB via the Facebook app
  4. Enable On your posts.
    If you change your mind, you can just toggle it off to disable it.

How to hide likes on Facebook from Desktop

  1. Click your profile picture thumbnail → Select Settings & Privacy in the dropdown menu.Go to Settings and Privacy on Mac
  2. Select Reaction Preferences on the sidebar.
  3. Enable On your posts.
    To turn this off, head back here and toggle it off anytime.Toggle on On your Posts to remove likes on Facebook via browser

How to hide or unhide the number of reactions on Facebook post

Similarly, it’s also easy to change the settings to hide the total number of reactions to the posts others share on their News Feed, pages, and groups. Note that others will still see your reactions to posts (except if this setting is enabled on their Facebook as well). 

Also, note that you’ll still see the total number of reactions in places like Events, Facebook Marketplace, and Facebook Watch. 

On the Facebook app:

  1. Tap the menu button in the bottom right.
  2. Scroll down and tap Settings & Privacy → Settings.
  3. Under Preferences, tap Reaction preferences.Hide or unhide the number of reactions to others posts via facebook app
  4. Enable On posts from others.
    Toggle it off anytime to disable it.

On a desktop:

  1. Click your profile picture thumbnail on the top right.
  2. Select Settings & privacy → Settings.
  3. Choose Reaction Preferences.Toggle on On your Posts from Others to Hide Reactions
  4. Enable On posts from others. Turn it off anytime by toggling this option off.

How to hide the pages you’ve liked on Facebook

Your favorite brands, artists, and public figures may create Facebook Pages where they can engage with and interact with their customers or fans. If you want to keep this private, you can select who can see the Pages and lists you’re following.

In the Facebook app:

  1. Tap the menu icon → Select Settings under Settings & privacy.
  2. Under Audience and visibility, select Followers and public content.Select Followers and public content under Audience and visibility
  3. Tap Who can see the people, Pages, and lists you follow
  4. Select from PublicFriendsOnly me, or your customized list (if you already have one set up).
    • You can customize by tapping More → Specific friends. Select those you want to add to your list of people who can’t see the pages you’re following.Customized your list for who can see pages you have liked

On the desktop browser:

  1. Click your profile picture → select Settings & privacy in the dropdown → Settings.

    Go to Settings under Settings and Privacy
  2. Select Privacy on the sidebar.

    Edit Who can see the people, Pages, and lists you follow
  3. In the Activity section, click Edit beside Who can see the people, Pages, and lists you follow?
  4. Select from your FriendsSpecific friends, or Only me.
    • You can customize by clicking Custom and filling in the names of the people you want and don’t want to see the pages you’re following.Select from whom you want to hide the pages you have liked on Facebook

It’s important to note that when you follow someone, this may appear in your friend’s News Feed. When you subscribe to people or pages, they may receive a notification telling them that you’re following them and see your name in their list of followers.

Aside from this, you can also hide your Facebook friends list from others.

Wrapping up…

Likes and reactions are a great way to show your interest and support, but sometimes, these can alter people’s perceptions of posts. Hiding likes on Facebook can be an excellent way to enhance the engagement experience and reduce the focus on likes and hearts. What do you think about this feature? Share them below!

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