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    How to turn on Grayscale on iPhone or iPad: 6 Easy ways!

    The colors on the iPhone are extremely bright and intense, which may strain your eyes at times, especially during the night. If you are sensitive to bright colors, you can easily give your eyes a break by using Grayscale. In this article, I’ll explain what the purpose of Grayscale is and how you can enable it on your iPhone and iPad.

    Benefits of enabling Grayscale on iPhone or iPad

    Before we get started with the steps to turn on Grayscale on your iPhone and iPad, let’s have a look at why we actually need Grayscale.

    • Reduce eye strain: Reduce eye strain and enhance overall eye health.
    • Battery life: Lowers the power required to show color and improves battery health of your iPhone or iPad.
    • Easier to read: Reading text on the device gets more manageable due to the absence of color noise.
    • Improves focus: Improve attention and concentration by reducing visual distractions.
    • Aesthetic preferences: Gives pleasing black-and-white aesthetics, which many users love.

    6 Ways to enable Grayscale on your iPhone or iPad

    Adjusting your iPhone or iPad’s bright screen to black and white is a simple process that can be done in many ways. I have listed the methods below.

    1. Ask Siri

    If you don’t want to alter any Settings on your iPhone, simply invoke Siri and command “Turn on Grayscale.”

    This is the simplest method!

    2. Using the Settings app

    1. Launch Settings → Go to Accessibility.
    2. Select Display & Text Size.

      tap accessibility, tap display & text size in Settings
    3. Tap Color Filters.
    4. Toggle on Color Filters → Select Grayscale.

      tap color filters, toggle on color filters, select grayscale in settings

    3. Create back tap shortcut to set black & white display 

    Back Tap is a great shortcut to activate your frequently used settings or apps.

    1. Open the Settings app.
    2. Choose Accessibility Touch → Go to Back Tap.

      tap accessibility, tap touch, tap back tap in settings
    3. Pick Double Tap or Tripple Tap.
    4. Choose Color Filters.

      select double tap, choose color filters in settings

    Note: Grayscale will be activated only if it is enabled in the Color Filter.

    4. Use Accessibility Shortcut for Grayscale

    The Accessibility Shortcut is made to help people access specially-abled features that enhance their user experience in daily life.

    1. Open SettingsAccessibility.
    2. Tap Accessibility Shortcut Select Color Filters.

      tap accessibility, tap accessibility shortcut, select color filters in settings
    3. Now, triple-click the side button to enable greyscale.

    5. Enable Grayscale from Control Center

    If you have added the Grayscale color filter in the Accessibility shortcut, you may easily access it from Control Center.

    1. Go to Settings → Control Center.
    2. Tap the plus sign beside the Accessibility Shortcuts.

      tap control center, tap accessibility shortcut in settings
    3. Now open Control Center by swiping down the right side of your screen.
      On iPhones with the Home Button, swipe up from the bottom of the screen.
    4. Tap the Accessibility Shortcuts icon.
    5. Select Color Filters.

      tap accessibility shortcut icon, select color filter in control center

    6. Create automation to turn on Grayscale

    Apple’s Shortcuts lets you set up automation for any iPhone activity based on specific triggers. Therefore, if you use Grayscale daily at a certain time, it’s ideal to create automation for it.

    1. Open Shortcuts → Tap Automation.
    2. Tap the plus sign.
      For the first time, tap New Automation.
    3. Select an automation trigger like Work Focus or Low Power Mode.
      I have chosen the Time of Day.
    4. Choose the time and the Repeat criteria → Tap Next.

      tap automation, tap plus sign, select time of day, choose the time, repeat option, tap next in shortcuts
    5. Select New Blank AutomationAdd Action.

      tap new blank automation, tap add action in shortcuts
    6. Search color filter → Tap Set Color Filters.
    7. Tap Done.

      search color, tap set color filters, tap done in shortcuts

    Now, based on your trigger, your iPhone will show a Shortcut notification. Tap it and hit Run.

    If you want to turn on Grayscale automatically, select the automation and choose Run Immediately. Once again, note that you must select Grayscale in Color Filters from the Settings app.


    How do I get rid of Grayscale on my iPhone?

    Turning off Grayscale on your iPhone is simple, but here’s what to do if your iPhone is stuck with the black-and-white screen.

    What are other ways to make the iPhone screen easier on the eyes?

    Reduced brightness, Night Shift, Dark Mode, True Tone, increased text size, and many more options are available to make the iPhone screen easier on the eyes.

    Does Grayscale mode capture black-and-white screenshots?

    Surprisingly, when you take a screenshot in grayscale mode, the final image is still colorful rather than black and white.

    Wrapping up…

    Grayscale on your iPhone or iPad not only looks nice but also decreases eye strain and makes it pleasant to use for prolonged periods. Also, Grayscale saves battery life as your iPhone doesn’t need to produce colors. If you’re searching for a variation from the usual vibrant display, try Grayscale on your iPhone or iPad today!

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