Telegram lets you store photos, videos, audio files, and more on its cloud servers for free. This free cloud storage comes with some limitations, and you can use the Telegram iOS app for cloud storage.
To use Telegram free cloud storage, install the iOS app and follow these steps:
☞ Type ‘Botfather’ in the search bar. ☞ Tap on ‘Start’ and then on ‘/newbot’. ☞ Choose a unique username and bot name.
☞ Access the bot by clicking on the link in the message. ☞ Now you can send photos, videos, audio and other files here. ☞ Simply use the attachment button beside the textbox for it.
Telegram free cloud storage:
✦ Data stored in the bot will be private. ✦ Free version:- Allows upload size of 2GB at once. ✦ Premium version:-Allows upload size of 4GB at once. ✦ Use tags or categories to organize files.